o Our Genealogy Lists
are Exclusive Offers and no one can offer these list but us.
o Cost per lead is less
expensive than traditionally generated "seeker lists" currently $1 - $5 each.
o These are
the "do-ers" rather than the "lookers".
o Proven experience
is the key ingredient that sets these people apart from many other prospects.
o You don't have to
explain Network Marketing or MLM to these contacts, they already have experience in the industry.
o It's easier to talk
to people that share a similar mindset.
o Most of these contacts have dreams and goals already
but just need the right vehicle to get them there.
o Thousands of contacts in
these lists are MLM Heavy hitters that earned from between $2.5 million to $100K in network marketing.
o Present your product
or services to people that have demonstrated, through their actions that they have a desire to
make more money and change peoples lives.